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Chapter 5. Using ZIP passwords

A longer example that demonstrates how to create a zip file with password protected data, and how to extract it.

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Example 5.1. Using ZIP passwords

; --------------------------------------------------
; --
; -- examples/example5.bb
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; -- Using passwords in ZIP files
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; --------------------------------------------------
; Include required libraries
Include "../Blitz_Basic_Bank.bb"
Include "../Blitz_File_FileName.bb"
Include "../Blitz_File_ZipApi.bb"
; Open our new archive
Local zipOut	= ZipApi_CreateZip("my-protected-test.zip")
; Add some test files with passwords
;  - The "true" param is the default value for this function, and
;    tells the zip api to include path information.
;  - Note how we can have different passwords for different files
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "example1.bb", True, "password")
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "example2.bb", True, "password")
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "example3.bb", True, "password2")
; Create a bank, and add that too!
Local testData$	= "I never existed as a file!"
Local bankToAdd	= CreateBank(Len(testData) + 1)
PokeString(bankToAdd, 0, testData)
ZipApi_AddBankAsFile(zipOut, bankToAdd, "test-file.txt", "password3")
FreeBank bankToAdd
; Close the zip
; We're all done, so let's check it out
Local zipIn		= ZipApi_Open("my-protected-test.zip")
; Get some information
Local zipInfo.ZIPAPI_GlobalInfo = ZipApi_GetGlobalInfo(zipIn)
Print "my-test.zip contains " + zipInfo\NumberOfEntries + " entries"
Local fileName$	= ""
; Extract file 1 with its password
fileName$		= ZipApi_ExtractFile(zipIn, "example1.bb", "", "password")
If fileName = "" Then Print "Error" Else Print "Extracted '" + fileName$ + "'"
; Extract file 2 with an incorrect password
fileName$		= ZipApi_ExtractFile(zipIn, "example2.bb", "", "password-is-wrong")
If fileName = "" Then Print "Error" Else Print "Extracted '" + fileName$ + "'"
; Finally, we'll extract the bank
fileName$		= ZipApi_ExtractFile(zipIn, "test-file.txt", "", "password3")
If fileName = "" Then Print "Error" Else Print "Extracted '" + fileName$ + "'"
; Cleanup
Delete zipInfo

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