Blitz.ZipApi is a set of userlib functions and a wrapper library that allows Blitz to manipulate Zip files. It also supports compression and decompression of Blitz banks.
Copy "zlibwapi.dll" and "zlibwapi.decls" to the appropriate userlibs folder. |
Include "", "" and "" into your projects. |
To add documentation to the Blitz manual, copy the contents of "blitz-docs" to the "help/commands/2d_commands" of your Blitz installation. |
For a more detailed installation guide, see the installation guide
This library has been extensively tested, but there may be some bugs still be present. You can report bugs via email: phil at sodaware dot net.
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.