Type ZIPAPI_GlobalInfoField Version%
Field VersionNeeded%
Field Flag%
Field CompressionMethod%
Field DosDate%
Field Crc32%
Field CompressedSize%
Field UnCompressedSize%
Field DiskNumberStart%
Field InternalFileAttr%
Field ExternalFileAttr%
Field Date.ZIPAPI_Date
Field FileName$
Field ExtraField$
Field Comment$
Field FileNameLength%
Field ExtraFieldLength%
Field CommentLength%
End Type
Information about a file within a Zip archive.
- Version
The ZIP version this file was created by.
- VersionNeeded
The version of ZLib required to unzip the file.
- Flag
A general purpose bit flag.
- CompressionMethod
Compression method used by this file.
- DosDate
The last modified file data in Dos format.
- Crc32
The CRC-32 checksum for this file entry.
- CompressedSize
The compressed size of the file in bytes.
- UnCompressedSize
The uncompressed size of the file in bytes.
- DiskNumberStart
If the archive spans multiple disks, this is the number of the disk this file starts on.
- InternalFileAttr
Internal file attributes.
- ExternalFileAttr
External file attributes.
- Date
The date this file was last modified.
- FileName
The name of the file.
- ExtraField
Extra field information.
- Comment
An optional comment for the file.
- FileNameLength
Length of the filename in bytes.
- ExtraFieldLength
The length of the ExtraField data.
- CommentLength
The length of the comment string.