Function reference

Functions can be embedded in properties, and act in a similar way to regular Blitz functions.

Table of Contents

I. Environment functions
environment::get-app-extension - Get the file extension used for applications in the current operating system.
environment::get-operating-system - Get the name of the current operating system.
environment::get-system-path - Get a system path.
environment::get-user-name - Get the username running the build.
II. Time and date functions
date::get-current-date - Get the current date as a string.
date::get-current-time - Get the current time as a string.
III. Directory functions
directory::exists - Check if a folder exists.
path::exists - Checks to see if a folder exists.
IV. Project functions
project::get-buildfile-name - Get the full name of the current build file.
project::get-buildfile-path - Get the directory of the current build file.
project::get-name - Get the name of the current project.
project::property-exists - Verifies that the project or current target has a property.
V. Version functions
version::get-major - Get the major part of a version string.
version::get-minor - Get the minor part of a version string.
version::get-build - Get the build part of a version string.
version::get-revision - Get the revision part of a version string.
version::is-newer - Check if a version number is newer than another.
version::is-older - Check if a version number is older than another.
version::is-equal - Check if two version numbers are equal.