

The bmk task is used to call an installed BlitzMax compiler to compile either a source file or a module.

Before using this task, blam must be configured with the correct compiler path. For more information on this, see the Installation Guide.


Table 1. Parameters

Attribute Type Description Required
source string The source file or module name to build. true
action string The build action to take. Valid options are "makeapp" and "makemods" Defaults to "makeapp". false
debug bool If true, the source will be compiled with debug mode enabled. The default is false. false
failonerror bool If true, the build will fail if there is a compilation error. The default is true. false
gui bool If true, the source will be compiled with console output disabled (i.e. in GUI mode). The default is false. false
output string The name of the executable to create. Only required if "action" is set to "makeapp". false
rebuild bool If true, the bmx cache will be ignored and all source files will be recompiled rebuilt. The default is false. false
threaded bool If true, the source will be compiled in threaded mode. The default is false. false
if bool If true, the task will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped. The default is true. false
unless bool The opposite of if. If false, the task will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped. The default is false. false


Example 2.  Compiling the brl modules in threaded mode

<bmk action="makemods" source="brl" threaded="true" />

Example 3.  Compiling test.bmx in release mode and saving as "runme" executable.

<bmk action="makeapp" source="test.bmx" output="runme" release="true" />