Chapter 3. Creating a new ZIP file.

How to create a new ZIP file and add something to it.

[Download example source.]

Example 3.1. Creating a ZIP file

; --------------------------------------------------
; --
; -- examples/
; --
; -- Quick example of creating a new zip archive 
; -- and adding some files to it.
; --
; --------------------------------------------------

; Include required libraries
Include "../"
Include "../"
Include "../"

; Open our new archive
Local zipOut	= ZipApi_CreateZip("")

; Add some test files
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "")
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "")
ZipApi_AddFile(zipOut, "")

; Create a bank, and add that too!
Local testData$	= "I never existed as a file!"
Local bankToAdd	= CreateBank(Len(testData) + 1)
PokeString(bankToAdd, 0, testData)
ZipApi_AddBankAsFile(zipOut, bankToAdd, "test-file.txt")
FreeBank bankToAdd

; Close the zip

; We're all done, so let's check it out
Local zipIn		= ZipApi_Open("")

; Get some information
Local zipInfo.ZIPAPI_GlobalInfo = ZipApi_GetGlobalInfo(zipIn)

Print " contains " + zipInfo\NumberOfEntries + " entries"

; Cleanup
Delete zipInfo