Chapter 2. Extracting a file from a ZIP

How to extract a file from a ZIP.

[Download example source.]

Example 2.1. Extracting a file from a ZIP.

; --------------------------------------------------
; --
; -- examples/
; --
; -- How to open a zip file an extract a file from
; -- it.
; --
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; Include required libraries
Include "../"
Include "../"
Include "../"

; Open the zip file for reading
Local zipIn = ZipApi_Open("")

; Check the zip file was valid
If zipIn = 0 Then
	; Not a valid ZIP file - display error and exit program
	Print "There was an error whilst trying to open the zip file."

; Extract our file
Local fileName$		= ZipApi_ExtractFile(zipIn, "example.txt")

; Print some file information
Print "File was extracted to '" + fileName + "'"
Print "Extracted size : " + FileSize(fileName) + " bytes"

; Close & cleanup