Plugins.Soda.ResHacker - addresource


Adds a resource file to an executable, such as an icon or a manifest file.


Table 27. Parameters

Attribute Type Description Required
input string The path of the executable to modify. true
output string The path of the output file. If blank, will overwrite the input file. false
resource string The path of the resource file to add. true
resType string The type of resource file to add. Use the reshack::resource-type function to find it out. true
resName string The name of the resource to add, such as "mainicon". true
resLanguage string The language code to add the resource into. For example 1033 is English. true
if bool If true, the task will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped. The default is true. False
unless bool The opposite of if. If false, the task will be executed, otherwise it will be skipped. The default is false. False