Filtering arrays

Remove all items from an array that don't meet a specific criteria.

Example 2. Filtering arrays

Import sodaware.blitzmax_array

Local colours:String[] = [ ..
    "Red", ..
    "Orange", ..
    "Yellow", ..
    "Green", ..
    "Blue", ..
    "Indigo", ..
    "Violet" ..

' Create a new array that only contains items with 6 letters or more
Local long_colours:Object[] = Array_Filter(colours, IsLongWord)

' Array will now contain the following:
' ["Orange", "Yellow", "Indigo", "Violet"]

' Function to test if a string is 6 or more letters long
Function IsLongWord:Byte(word:Object)
    Return ( word.ToString().Length >= 6 )
End Function