
Helper functions for working with BlitzMax arrays and linked lists. Push and pop from arrays, merge them and filter them using a function callback.

Table of Contents

II. Examples
III. Manipulating arrays
IV. Filtering arrays
V. Functions
array_append - Add an element to the end of an array.
array_contains - Check if an array contains a specific value. Will be slow for large arrays.
array_filter - Filter the contents of an array using a callback function.
array_merge - Merge two arrays together into a new array.
array_pop - Remove the last element from an array and return it.
array_pull - Remove the first element from an array and return it.
tlist_filter - Filter the contents of a linked list using a callback function.
tlist_remove_if - Remove elements from a linked list if they pass the test in fn.
tlist_remove_if_not - Remove elements from a linked list if they do not pass the test in fn.