

Type Entity
Method isActive:Byte (

Method getComponents:ObjectBag (

Method getWorld:World (

Method getEntityManager:EntityManager (

Method getId:Int (

Method getUniqueId:Long (

Method getTypeBits:Long (

Method getSystemBits:Long (

Method setUniqueId:Entity (

Method addTypeBit:Entity (

Method setTypeBits:Entity (

Method removeTypeBit:Entity (

Method addSystemBit:Entity (

Method setSystemBits:Entity (

Method removeSystemBit:Entity (

Method setTag:Entity (

Method getTag:String (

Method refresh (

Method reset (

Method addComponent:Entity (

Method removeComponent (

Method removeComponentByType (

Method removeComponentByName (

Method hasComponent:Byte (

Method getComponent:EntityComponent (

Method getComponentByName:EntityComponent (

Method setGroup:Entity (

Method dumpComponents (

Method New (

End Type

A basic entity that exists in a game world. Consists of two identifiers: * ID : An id that may be re-used when the entity is destroyed * UniqueId : A unique ID that will not be re-used. Entities may also have a `Group` and `Tag`. Groups can contain more than one entity, but an entity may only belong to a single group at a time. Tags are unique string identifiers. An entity can only have a single tag, and that Tag must be unique to the entity. Entities must be created via world.createEntity so that their identifiers are set correctly.