
Add a entity component system.

Table of Contents

I. Types
BaseManager -
ComponentType - The ComponentType object is used for mapping Components to Entities.
ComponentType - The ComponentType object is used for mapping Components to Entities.
ComponentTypeManager - Static type that maps ComponentType objects to TTypeId.
DelayedEntityProcessingSystem -
DelayedEntitySystem -
Entity - A basic entity that exists in a game world.
EntityBag - A "bag" is a collection of items that do not need to be in a particular order but need to be accessed quickly.
EntityBagEnum -
EntityComponent -
EntityComponentMapper -
EntityManager -
EntityProcessingSystem - Base system that processes entities.
EntitySystem - An EntitySystem is used to perform actions on entities.
GameEntityService -
GroupManager - Manages Entity groups.
InitializerEntityProcessingSystem -
InitializerEntitySystem -
IntervalEntityProcessingSystem -
IntervalEntitySystem -
SweeperEntityProcessingSystem -
SweeperEntitySystem -
SystemBitManager -
SystemManager - Used to keep track of systems and retrieve them.
TagManager -
World - A "World" object contains all entities, their components and the systems that manage them.
II. Functions
CompareEntityBagObjects -
refreshEntity - Notifies all systems that an entity has been modified.